Hotel Akumal Caribe Eco Rating
Filled out by: Laura Bush Wolfe
Date: July 6, 2015
Online Eco Rating Score: 4.4 Butterflies out of 5
ID | Question | Answer(s) given | Points received | Result |
74 | What is your name? | Laura Bush Betancourd | 0.00 | N/a (survey question) |
75 | What is the name of your lodge/hotel/business? | Hotel Akumal Caribe | 0.00 | N/a (survey question) |
78 | What is the url of your website? | Hotel Akumal Caribe | 0.00 | N/a (survey question) |
76 | What is your email address? | [email protected] | 0.00 | N/a (survey question) |
77 | What is your role with this hotel/lodge/business? | Owner | 0.00 | N/a (survey question) |
107 | Use natural air circulation and fans, not air conditioners. Mark yes or no. |
yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
108 | Use natural light during the day. Please answer yes or no. |
Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
109 | Minimize use of fossil-fuel powered vehicles, machines and equipment. Yes or No. |
Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
110 | Use on demand or solar heating for hot water. Yes or No. |
No | 0.00 | Wrong answer |
111 | Air dry clothes/linens. Yes or No. |
No | 0.00 | Wrong answer |
112 | Wash dishes by hand. | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
113 | Use energy efficient appliances and electronics. | No | 0.00 | Wrong answer |
114 | Use low wattage fluorescent light bulbs. | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
115 | Change linens, tablecloths, napkins upon request. | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
116 | Switch off lights when not used. | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
117 | You use alternative energy. For example solar, wind, hydro, or biogas. Please mark what percentage of alternative energy you use below. |
Not at all. | 0.00 | Wrong answer |
119 | Do you monitor and record energy consumption as an aid to work towards conserving of energy? | Yes | 2.00 | Correct answer |
157 | If you use alternative energy please mark those you use below. If you don’t use any please check None. | None | 0.00 | Wrong answer |
93 | Use low flow faucets and shower-heads. | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
94 | Use low water use toilets. | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
96 | Use table mats that can be wiped and not laundered or use the bare table top. | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
97 | Use biodegradable laundry detergent, dish soap and hand soap when at all possible. | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
98 | Do you treat swimming pool and/or fountains with chlorine-free processes or have no pool or fountains? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
99 | Collect rainwater for re-use. | No | 0.00 | Wrong answer |
100 | Do you reuse gray water for irrigation. | No | 0.00 | Wrong answer |
101 | Do you use Xeriscaping in your landscape? Xeriscaping refers to a method of landscape design that minimizes water use. |
No | 0.00 | Wrong answer |
102 | Do you have other water conservation activities? | Yes | 2.00 | Correct answer |
103 | Capture and treat fresh water. Capture water from renewable sources including spring, river, rain, and in some cases wells, depending on how they’re used. Please choose an answer only for the renewable sources you use. |
Captured water is employed and is 2/3 or more of all water used. | 3.00 | Correct answer |
104 | How is captured fresh water treated? | Naturally | 2.00 | Correct answer |
106 | Do you monitor and record water usage as an aid to work towards conservation of water? | Yes | 2.00 | Correct answer |
162 | Have you installed a water meter? Some systems don’t allow this. Please check yes if this is the case for your hotel or business. |
Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
163 | Do you water the garden and grounds at night or the very early morning? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
164 | Do you water deeply but less often? This will encourage plants to grow deeper roots, so that they need water less frequently. |
Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
165 | Do you use mulch, a ground cover like straw or newspapers, on your garden to retain moisture? If you don’t have a garden, do you use it on any vegetation you have? |
Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
175 | Do you ask visitors or display notices to use as little water as possible? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
120 | Use durable service items, e.g. cups, glasses, dishes, tableware, storage items? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
121 | Do you buy fresh and local to reduce packaging and emissions from transportation? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
122 | Do you purchase in bulk to reduce packaging? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
123 | Do you recycle paper, glass, plastic, and aluminum? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
125 | Do you have close to zero waste in the kitchen? This is accomplished by buying in bulk and composting food waste, excluding items that can’t be composted like meat. |
No | 0.00 | Wrong answer |
126 | Do you serve locally filtered water instead of bottled water? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
128 | Do you compost organic matter? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
130 | Do you work towards specific recycling and waste targets? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
131 | Do you purchase products made with recycled materials? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
132 | Do you replace disposable items with items that can be reused? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
133 | Have you developed and shared recycling education programs in your area? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
134 | Do you educate your staff on the importance of recycling? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
135 | Do you host a neighborhood/area clean-up day? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
136 | Do you go to schools in your area to impress the importance of “Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle”? Children are our future. | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
166 | Do you have recycling bins located in each guest’s room with clear instructions? | Yes | 2.00 | Correct answer |
167 | Is two sided printing standard practice in your establishment to decrease your use of paper? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
168 | Has your establishment switched to bulk dispensed bathroom amenities? This means refilling shampoo, soap, etc. rather than using small purchased items that then get thrown out. |
No | 0.00 | Wrong answer |
176 | Do you encourage your community to recycle? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
137 | Do you minimize tree removal when building? | Yes | 0.00 | Correct answer |
138 | Do you use only botanical (plant-based) herbicides and pesticides in your gardens and grounds? | Yes | 0.00 | Correct answer |
139 | Do you maintain organic gardens as food source for the resort? | Yes | 0.00 | Correct answer |
140 | Do you use biodegradable cleaning products? | Yes | 2.00 | Correct answer |
141 | Do you minimize external illumination when possible? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
142 | Do you take additional specific actions not listed here to preserve the local habitat? | Yes | 2.00 | Correct answer |
143 | Have you left part of your land in it’s natural state? | Less than 1/10 of your land | 1.00 | Correct answer |
161 | How big is your lodge? We will use the maximum number of guests to rate how big your place is. The smaller an establishment is, the less resources it uses. |
More than 41 people | 0.00 | Wrong answer |
169 | Do you have designated trails or pathways to keep visitors from walking through pristine areas? If this is not possible because most of your land is protected, you may mark yes. |
Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
170 | Have you labeled local flora to inform visitors about native vegetation? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
171 | When building or planning you minimize removing local flora. | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
172 | Do you have part of your land as a true nature sanctuary, with no access by people so that it can remain pristine? This helps the local flora and fauna. |
No | 0.00 | Wrong answer |
173 | Do you put out literature about the local plants and animals so guests have easy access to it? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
174 | Do you make a point of informing visitors to stay away from local wildlife? Encounters with people stresses wildlife. |
Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
144 | Do you use local suppliers for most of your needs? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
145 | What % of purchased goods for your business are produced locally? | Less than 1/2 (50%) | 1.00 | Correct answer |
146 | Do you pay above local prevailing wage? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
147 | Do you hire staff residing near the resort if at all possible? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
148 | What % of your employees are local nationals? | More than 2/3 (67%) are local natives. | 2.00 | Correct answer |
149 | Do you re-invest most resort income locally? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
150 | What % of your businesses income is re-invested locally? | Between 1/3 and 2/3 (34%-66%) | 1.00 | Correct answer |
151 | Do you pay into local social security? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
152 | Do you provide health insurance or coverage to your employees? | No | 0.00 | Wrong answer |
153 | Do you use regular staff meetings or discussions to educate staff about sustainable processes throughout the resort, in the garden, with waste disposal, etc.? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
154 | Do you provide educational awareness programs for staff, guests, suppliers and other members of the local community? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
155 | Do you provide sustainable transport to work for staff unless they can walk? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
156 | Do you take any additional action to support the local community that aren’t listed in this Eco Rating? | Yes | 2.00 | Correct answer |
159 | Do you encourage your visitors to directly benefit the local community by leaving printed matter or having discussions about the local businesses and encouraging them to spend locally? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
160 | Do you encourage your visitors to learn about the local customs and culture? | Yes | 1.00 | Correct answer |
158 | Do you have written Policies and Procedures for running your business in a sustainable manner? This question about whether you have Policies and Procedures applies to all categories and counts for 1 point for each category, Energy, Water, Recycling and Waste, Land and Nature Conservation and Community. You cannot get a perfect score without it. To get credit for this you need to email a copy to [email protected]. |
Yes | 5.00 | Correct answer |
177 | Please list the extra activities you practice if you answered yes to any of the questions asking that.
If you have any suggestions to improve the Online Eco Rating, please list them here as well. The Eco Rating is a work in progress and will be updated as new ideas are suggested. |
We are actively participating with two resident biologists and some volunteers in a reef restoration project in Coordination with Centro Ecologico Akumal. ( CEA) We participate fully in the Bay Protection Program of CEA to protect the turtles. We volunteer our biologists to speak at the local library to help the kids understand about our local ecology. We are taking part in a program funded by the BID bank along with MARTI (Meso American Reef Tourism Initiative) towards sustainability throughout our property. Our biologists will be having regular talks to our guests about our project. We have a science office for guests to drop in and watch the videos we take on each science dive. We are in the construction phase of an aquaponics project using fish to provide nutrients for organic plants and herbs for our restaurant. |