Sustainable Living at Northside Valley in the U.S. Virgin Islands


Here are some ways we strive to promote sustainable tourism: 

  1. Light Bulbs are exclusively Compact Flourescents.  These bulbs

         Last longer (many of these bulbs have been in these houses for 6 years.

         Burn with less heat, very important in a hot climate.

         Use 70% less electricity (kwh cost in Chicago .08, in

St. Croix .23).

  1. Bathroom showers use low-flow/stop devices and

– Optional outdoor showers water nearby vegetation.

  1. Landscaping is eco-friendly because

            – Large trees and understory plantings are cultivated.

– Mowing is limited to once monthly and is not done under trees.

– Native plants/trees are cultivated and preserved.

– Herbicides and pesticides are not used.

– Watering is unnecessary because of the type of plants that are nurtured.

  1. Hot water  – Electric small capacity heaters use timers to limit power drain.
  2. Ceiling Fans, screened windows, and shade trees keep temperatures low inside the houses, therefore air-conditioning is unnecessary.
  3. Wash and Rinse dishpans are provided for dishwashing.  Guests are invited to dispose of gray water outside on vegetation.

In addition,

The water used in each house is rainwater – a renewable resource.

We commit to recycling the following:





All the houses use a septic system – a septic will break down waste naturally as long as bleach is not encountered in the system.  We do not use bleach in our houses. 

Cleaning materials used in the houses are natural biodegradable products.  White vinegar and biodegradable dish detergent are the primary cleaning products.  Linens are washed in a front loading, high-efficiency washing machine.  They are line-dried in the sun.  Linens are made from cotton or bamboo.  Bamboo is a highly-sustainable product and is grown in developing countries as a natural resource.  Bamboo returns 35% more oxygen than most other  plant-life.    

Ginger Brown Vanderveer

Northside Valley, U.S. Virgin Islands