Your listing is completely free. You will only be charged once we both see that traffic is coming to you. This is our sustainable business plan. The features below are for your free listing. Below that are the costs once it is established that you are getting bookings. To sign up for free go here: Sign up to Eco Tropical Resorts.
Features for ALL listing plans on Eco Tropical Resorts:
- Your listing will first show up as an excerpt in the search feature of our website.
- The excerpt includes a picture, name of your business, and some other basic information.
- a “View More” button will take visitors to your full page listing containing:
- long description
- features and amenities you offer as tags
- flora and fauna to be found as tags
- nearby attractions on map (coming soon)
- your contact information
- more images that open up in a larger view
- Google map with your lodge/tour on it
- Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
- link to your website!
Basic Listing:
- Includes everything listed above
- Pay only $14.95/month or save by signing up for longer terms
- No commitment, cancel anytime
Featured Listing:
- Includes everything listed above
- Rise to the top! With directed search, category or region.
- A gold “Featured Listing” emblem on your listing, this draws more attention!
- Pay only $29.95 a month or save by signing up for a longer term
- No commitment, cancel anytime – Sign up now!
Premium Listing:
- All features listed above, including Featured Listing features
- Premium spot placement on home page!
- Gold emblem on your listing, be at the top of your region or category
- Pay by the month or save by signing up for longer terms
- Your first week is free. No commitment, cancel anytime.
- Pay $149.95 a month, but save by choosing a longer term.
- Spaces are very limited for this type of membership – Sign up now!
You are in command:
You control your own listing on Eco Tropical Resorts and you can update it anytime, add or remove images, edit text, or add specials. Include as many as 8 images if you like!
Please join Eco Tropical Resorts in promoting Eco-tourism. Membership in our Eco Resorts and Tours Directory is open to all Eco Resorts (lodges, resorts, hotels) and Eco Tour Companies throughout the world.
To sign up for any of these plans, click: Sign Up
Join us now and add your Eco Resort or Tour to our directory to get more visibility and attract more customers. Your contribution helps us to support important causes that help protect the environment, animals, plants, and more.