Entries by Lise Tyrrell

Alternative Electricity Generation – Photovoltaic Solar Panels and Sustainable Water usage

Alternative Electricity Generation is practiced at Rosa Blanca and is a model of Sustainable Tourism, which has at its core not only sustainable good practices in terms of  conservation but also in terms of generating financial stability (ie; sustainability) so that the company can continue to innovate and create newer and more solutions to the […]

ElefantAsia working with Kingfisher Ecolodge in Laos for Nature Conservation

Nature Conservation is so important. And ElefantAsia working with Kingfisher Ecolodge in Laos! The population of wild and tamed elephants in Laos was once called “A Million Elephants” kingdom (Lane Xang). The population is dangerously dwindling and too little is done to avoid this horrible situation. For this reason the people at ElefantAsia deserve a […]

Sustainable hand water pumps in the Usmabara Mountains, Tanzania A project of MamboSteunPunt in cooperation with FairWater

Water Clear drinking water is still not obtainable to all citizens in many African countries. When MamboViewPoint opened in 2008, for the 22,000 inhabitants in the area, only one pump was available. Most people fetched water from open streams or holes which reached the ground water. Many negative problems occur for people using these as […]

Ayurveda Retreat in Costa Rica at Finca Exotica

April 2-April 5: Basics of Ayurveda April 7-11: In-depth intro into Ayurvedic living Ayurveda or “The Science of Life” aims to avoid and treat illnesses by maintaining the balance in the body, mind and consciousness … Learn basic practices to enhance well-being and energy for the mind and body through Ayurveda, an ancient approach to […]

Updates from Udzungwa Forest Tented Camp in Tanzania

Tented camp in Tanzania The latest updates from Hondo Hondo (Udzungwa Forest Tented Camp). Located in the little visited Kilombero Valley in Southern Tanzania, and bordering the biologically diverse Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Hondo Hondo provides a high standard of visitor accommodation and access to the hiking, primate-spotting and birdwatching in the rainforest, mountains and […]

MamboViewPoint eco lodge in Tanzania, a new approach for sustainable development and tourism

MamboViewPoint is owned by social entrepreneurs Marion Neidt and Herman Erdtsieck. They travelled through many continents, cooperated with various development agencies and saw very many development projects. In the end they felt unhappy with the often very poor or even counterproductive results of many aid projects and all the money that went to expensive overhead, […]