Entries by Lise Tyrrell

Amazon Yarapa River Lodge in Peru

The Amazon Yarapa River lodge begins 2008 with great expectations and continued growth. … Our biggest news is that we have significantly increased the size of the Yarapa River Reserve by approximately 15 more miles.  This involved us purchasing the land from the Peruvian Government and then giving it to the villagers to manage in […]

Birds of Taveuni, Fiji by Kate Kelly

A few days after settling in at Nakia Resort and Dive (http://www.nakiafiji.com), my brother and sister-in-law’s resort on the Fijian island of Taveuni, I began to think about getting up into the bush to see what we could find in the way of avian life.  After making a phone call or two, my sister Joyce […]

Sustainable Living at Northside Valley in the U.S. Virgin Islands

  Here are some ways we strive to promote sustainable tourism:  Light Bulbs are exclusively Compact Flourescents.  These bulbs –         Last longer (many of these bulbs have been in these houses for 6 years. –         Burn with less heat, very important in a hot climate. –         Use 70% less electricity (kwh cost in Chicago .08, […]

Homestay in Dominica

3 Rivers Eco Lodge, Dominica is delighted to announce the launching of their new community village homestay programme. Guests now have the opportunity to stay in the home of a family in the beautiful village of Grand Fond, Dominica, through our new community village homestay programme. This is the latest addition to our community based […]

Scholarship Fund in Dominica

The Scholarship Fund in Dominica has just been started. The Sustainable Living Initiative Centre“, S.L.I.C., is proud to announce the launching of the Grand Fond Pre-School Scholarship Fund. It is sponsored by Miami University, Ohio, USA and 3 Rivers Eco lodge, Rosalie, Dominica. It is hoped that these scholarships will be the first of many […]

Defining Ecotourism Lodging

I have been working on my directory for almost 4 years now.  My habit has been to look at each eco lodge on an individual basis to see whether I consider them as promoting sustainable tourism.  If I do, they get added to the directory.  I’m sorry to say that I wasn’t as discerning when […]

Sam Veasna Center for Wildlife Conservation

I’ve just added Tmatboey Ecotourism Project in Cambodia to the directory.  This is really a special place because it is being helped by the Sam Veasna Center for Wildlife Conservation.  Their mission from their site (SVC): The SVC opened in January 2003, and since 2004 has been developing activities to promote wildlife conservation, including: hosting public events […]